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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
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13810 Composers
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SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
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A search for 'Millennium, Tribal Wisdom And The Modern World' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
2 matches in composers
  1. World Standard
  2. New World Music Performance Group

6820 matches in tracks
  1. Modern Babes In a Modern World (00:41)
    from Ma
  2. Wisdom of the World (04:42)
    from Mazâ
  3. Tapestry of Nations (23:53)
    from Walt Disney World Resort
    Gavin Greenaway (The Sage of Time Prologue, Millennium Heartbeat, The Great Millennium Walk, Reach For the Stars, The Human Spirit)
  4. The World Inside Your Eyes (03:36)
    from Day Of The Dead
    Composed by Blazer-Harrison-Sparacino and performed by Modern Man
  5. 2000 Passions (07:22)
    from 2000 Today
    tracks 2-12 "2000 Today - A World Symphony for the Millennium, for soprano & orchestra"
  6. Velvet Paws (05:20)
    from Androcles And The Lion
    Sung by Norman Wisdom (to Geoffrey Holder as the Lion); with dialogue by Norman Wisdom, Patricia Routledge
  7. Strength Is My Weakness (06:45)
    from Androcles And The Lion
    Sung by Norman Wisdom, Ed Ames, with dialogue by Norman Wisdom, Ed Ames, Inga Swenson, Brian Bedford
  8. Prelude/Thoroughly Modern Millie (02:46)
    from Best Of Julie Andrews - Thoroughly Modern Julie, The
    From the Original Soundtrack Recording of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Decca #DL-71500 (3/67)
  9. Prelude/Thoroughly Modern Millie (02:46)
    from Mary Poppins
    From the Original Soundtrack Recording of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Decca #DL-71500 (3/67)
  10. Prelude/Thoroughly Modern Millie (02:46)
    from Sound Of Music, The
    From the Original Soundtrack Recording of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Decca #DL-71500 (3/67)
  11. Prelude/Thoroughly Modern Millie (02:46)
    from Thoroughly Modern Millie
    From the Original Soundtrack Recording of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Decca #DL-71500 (3/67)
  12. Don\'t Be Afraid of An Animal (04:51)
    from Androcles And The Lion
    Sung by Noel Coward, Norman Wisdom, with dialogue by Noel Coward, Norman Wisdom, Bill Hickey
  13. Tribal Welcome (01:22)
    from Ashanti
  14. Tribal (02:29)
    from Babel
  15. Tribal War (02:39)
    from Black Hawk Down
  16. Tribal War (02:39)
    from Black Hawk Down
  17. Tribal War (02:39)
    from Black Hawk Down
  18. Tribal War (02:40)
    from Black Hawk Down
  19. Tribal Home (00:44)
    from Sedona: The Spirit Of Wonder
  20. Tribal Shake (01:41)
    from Reazione A Catena
Show all 6820 matching tracks